Series of illustrations for the project "The Blissful Isles", a graphic novel as part of the novel "At the edge of the world man sits and laughs", written by Philipp Weiss. Onogoroshima (Japanese: 淤能碁呂島, literally meaning "Self-forming Island") was a mythical island as part of the Japanese creation mythology. The Island of Onogoroshima was formed when Izanagi no Mikoto 伊邪那岐命 and Izanami no Mikoto 伊邪那美命churned the primeval sea with the Heavenly Spear. When the spear was raised, the drops of salt water from it formed this island, the first land to be created. The couple built a great palace here supported by a Pillar of Heaven, where they were wed. This island is where Hirukowas conceived.